Don’t Mess With Texas: The Story Behind A Legend.

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In December of 1985, a bumper sticker armed with four powerful words began appearing on pickup trucks all over Texas.  

No explanation.

No apparent reason or motive.  

Just four audacious words neatly adorned by a red, white, and blue state flag.

If John Wayne played an ad man instead of a cowboy, he would have been cast as leading man – white Stetson and all - in a major motion picture that reflected bigness and boldness of those four courageous and emotionally truthful words. 

For anyone who gives a damn about long-term brand building, Truth is the hardest thing to capture or convey.

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If it weren’t so difficult, we’d see it more often.

Which is why the inauspicious origins of the most successful anti-littering campaigns in history is endlessly fascinating for business leaders determined to build brands with true grit, meaning and purpose.

Drop by for a spell, kick up your boots and discover the truth from a blue, white and red-blooded Texan who coined the iconic phrase “Don’t Mess With Texas” on an expanded edition of Leaders & Legends.


“What you northerners never appreciate ... is that Texas is so big that you can live your life within its limits and never give a damn about what anyone in Boston or San Francisco thinks” JAMES MICHENER 


P.S… Once you attach those two commanding syllables -Texas – to all manner of things, it tends to have a magnifying effect. Everything is bigger, more attractive and formidable. Would you prefer to toast a regular slice of bread or have some Texas Toast for breakfast? Only in Texas could you turn defeat into a legend, a song, a major motion picture and a tourist attraction. Just as the spirit of The Alamo lives forever, “Don’t Mess With Texas” is even more relevant now as the Lone Star State takes dead aim at cleaning up debris from the 2020 pandemic.



Throughout the course of the pandemic, we have made every effort to serve small to medium-size business owners with an open heart and no strings attached. That's why we allot a certain amount of time each month for readers like you to schedule a 20-Minute Discovery Session via ZOOM. If you are facing a business or branding challenge that you are not quite sure how to handle and need to bounce ideas and gain clarity, we’re only a click away.

If you're feeling now is the opportune time to differentiate, re-position and realign your organization, why not explore a metaphorical road trip called THE BRANDING HIGHWAY. Our in-person and virtual Executive Bootcamps serve as both journey and destination to help your brand emerge as an undeniable, undisputed, "Category of One". Impossible to describe, this unpredictable journey is best understood when you take a quick peek at this Video Overview:


“The most important victory is the one which has to arrive” ENZO FERRARI


The wheels of business turn faster each quarter and your company or industry association may be anxious to stay ahead of the lighting-fast relevance curve. In that respect, we are scheduling many in-person and virtual programs for 2021 with customized content designed to inspire conference attendees to acquire a “STADIUM-SIZED PERSPECTIVE”.


For more information on scheduling an In-Person or Virtual Speaking Program, send us a note here:

Every week someone asks a question about our videos and more specifically our media partner responsible for the storyboarding, production and editing. Headquartered in the shadows of the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, Defiant Astronaut Media is uniquely positioned to help business leaders re-think what's possible with this art form and how it can help build your brand. If you are curious about what's involved to get the proper gear to support your own video publishing efforts, here is a few ideas to get started. Click here:

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“If you choose not to decide you have still made a choice” NEIL PEART




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