This is a great time to be thinking about all those people in your life who at one time or another were told NO.

NO … you didn’t get the job. We’re giving it to somebody else.  

NO … you can’t go with me to the prom. Going with someone else. 

NO … we can’t approve you for a mortgage. You don’t qualify. 

The list of NO’s got piled higher and deeper in unpredented faship about a month ago and it’s never been easier to be lulled into thinking, “there’s nothing I can do. Thanks to the Corona virus, the world is clearly sending me a message that I can’t do what I normally do”.

My sister for one, is not drowning in the deafening noise of NO. My sister is still saying an emphatic YES! 

For the past 30+ years, Karen Maxwell has personified what the perfect employee looks like. Since her earliest days in the travel industry, she has always loved her job. Genuinely looks forward to going to work. Wishes she could do it more. Routinely grabs extra shifts. Has never called in sick. Shudders at the very thought of retirement.

Karen is loved by her many co-workers and customers and until this moment had no idea how much her older brother has admired her tireless work ethic and dedication to her craft. A true professional through and through, Karen has been working tirelessly these past few weeks, bringing people home. 


Karen has already flown a half-dozen or so rescue missions from Europe and the U.S. with Air Canada, helping stranded Canadians get back to their loved ones in the true north strong and free. As you read this, she is likely at 30,000 feet doing whatever she can to make her passengers and fellow flight crew members feel safe and taken care of in these tumultuous times. 

Like many others on this new and unprecedented battlefield; truck drivers, grocery store workers, health-care providers, Karen is simply finding a way to do what she CAN. Her two sons would swear on a stack of Bibles that she has always been the first one in our family to say YES when it comes to finding a way to serve others. When she hasn’t always had all the resources, Keegan and Macrae have experienced more than 40 birthday parties between them where they would confirm she always found a way to be resourceful.

It’s during times like this, that Karen and millions of other troopers are reminding us of all of some crucial skills:  

Work with what you’ve got. And where you are at. Don’t fret about what you’ve don’t got and where you are not. When things don’t go according to plan. Find a way to move forward. Do what you CAN. 

And be sure to say “Thank You” to those you bump into, who are also doing what they CAN. 

Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.    ERNEST HEMINGWAY

p.s…. You won't believe your eyes when you see this breaking story from the U.K. where a 99-year old World War Two veteran is making the entire world sit up and take notice of what CAN be done through these historic times.


p.p.s. ... At this time, we want to be able to serve small to medium size business owners with an open heart and no strings attached. If you are facing a business or branding challenge that you are not quite sure how to handle, we’re only a click away.

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