Henry's Breakaway Vision

If somebody walked up to you today and told you they were going to change every aspect of your business, industry and career, you would likely think they were a little bit south of crazy.

A century ago, people thought Henry was crazy as he told friends and associates about taking a wild leap into a southern swampland of commercial unknown. After listening politely, they ridiculed him behind his back, uttering phrases like “that will never work” or “Henry’s got more money than brains”. Years later, the critics also condemned (in similar fashion) everyone from to Ted Turner, Reed Hastings and Jeff Bezos before CNN disrupted network news, before Netflix decimated Blockbuster and before Amazon gutted Sears.

The number of critics always outnumbers the number of visionaries with impossible vision.

Impossible vision only stands a chance when intense curiosity collides with a grounded understanding of current reality.

One without the other is useless. Vision that lacks a fundamental grasp of current reality is daydreaming. A mind fixed only on day-to-day realities without a sense of wonder leads to frustration, cynicism and prevents you from ever breaking away from the middle of any pack.

Which brings us to the story of Henry, who was both a visionary and a realist.

He completely altered consumer behavior and opened up brand new markets where none existed. He was also the original snowbird who loved nothing more than bright sunshine and fresh Florida orange juice.

Probably not the Henry you were thinking of.

To be sure Henry Flagler of Saginaw, Michigan shared a lot in common with that hard-working Ford fella over in Detroit who was about to transform transportation and manufacturing with his breakthrough Model T. But, after the demise of his Saginaw salt company, Henry moved to Cleveland and joined forces with John D. Rockefeller and built the world’s richest company before using his visionary gifts to share his love of the sun and the finer things in life with millions of others.

If you are curious about Henry’s enduring legacy and how commercial prophets bring their dreams to life, join us at one of America’s most iconic hotels and discover The Power of Breakaway Vision on this edition of Leaders & Legends.

“I have always been contented, but I have never been satisfied”  HENRY M. FLAGLER


p.s… Here are three key points to consider about entrepreneurs like Henry Flagler, Henry Ford and Jim Gilbert - from different centuries and different countries - and how they used breakaway vision to create separation and and a level of distinction far apart from their competitors.

1. There Are No Guarantees for Success

The road to any game-changing success is always filled with many curves, potholes, hills, detours and dead ends. Henry Ford’s business manager, James Couzens, once said that Ford was thrown out of so many offices in Detroit that one time he just sat on the curb and wept. Back then, none of the stuffy bank managers in Michigan seemed to grasp his vision that automobiles could be manufactured and sold to the masses and not just built and marketed as expensive toys for the wealthy and racing enthusiasts.

2. The Future Favors the Bold

Which means taking risk even if you are a 53-year old Henry Flagler willing to start all over again and pour millions of dollars into constructing luxury hotels and railroads in a state where none existed. In 1883 and on a Florida honeymoon with his second wife, Henry felt that even though there was no prior evidence to confirm his feelings, the area was ripe for future development. As Henry put it, “It occurred to me very strongly that someone with sufficient means ought to provide accommodations for a class of people who would want to come here to enjoy the climate, have plenty of money, but could find no satisfactory way of spending it.” As you can imagine, creating the winter Mecca for America’s high society crowd took plenty of guts to put money and the line and the emotional courage to ignore the many critics and naysayers. The Breakers in Palm Beach serves as a shining example of the following: Whenever you see a successful business, you see how someone once made a courageous decision.

3. Chase Vision Before Money

Jim Gilbert has said for years the purpose of any business is to create a customer who creates another customer. About 80% of the clients at Canada's Huggable Car Dealer are repeats and referrals as Jim and Dawna and their team instilled a culture that and brand that ensures everyone on the team goes the extra mile and then some to take care of people. In other words, there is much more at stake than just a simple transaction.


Henry Ford was famous for saying that a business that only concerns itself with making money is a poor business. In his 1922 book, Ford explained that the automobiles, the factories, the machinery and the money they produced were but a means to an end. Henry saw them as necessary tools that in the end, make the world a better place in which to live. Likewise, Henry Flagler saw his development of Florida’s railroads and hotels like the Breakers as something much more than functional attributes that allowed people to enjoy transportation and accommodations. In his words, Flagler stated, “I am not a hotel builder…But the Breakers is an altogether different affair. I want something to last all time to come…”.

If you get a chance, Henry's museum in Palm Beach is well worth the visit


Introducing ... BIG LITTLE LEGENDS!

The language of brand speaks to humans in a way that is metaphorical, meaningful, emotional and symbolic. The language of business communicates in a way that is logical, literal, mechanical and analytical. How then, does a business leader – in any industry – any product/service category become fluent in BOTH of these vitally important languages?

This unforgettable keynote/workshop (and preview of the forthcoming book) is designed to challenge accepted notions of how long-term brand-building really works these days. It forces leaders to re-think what's possible and the role they play in creating modern-day legacy. It's entitled BIG LITTLE LEGENDS - How Everyday Leaders Build Irresistible Brands.


Planning a Speaking Event?

The wheels of business are turning faster each quarter and your company or industry association may be busy making plans to stay ahead of the lighting-fast relevance curve. In that spirit, we are knee-deep in booking events for 2020 and 2021 with organizations like Vistage International, Raptor Mining and the National Truck Equipment Association to dramatically rock their next conference with keynotes and workshops that inspire audiences to acquire “STADIUM-SIZED PERSPECTIVE”. For booking inquiries, feel free to reach out and contact us.


Other Resources for You to Explore:

If you are a CEO, Senior Executive or Business Owner who has attended one of our speaking events, consider this as an open invitation to schedule a 20-minute Discovery SessionIt's a great way to bounce ideas just to see where they land.

Purchase the critically-acclaimed, NUTS, BOLTS AND A FEW LOOSE SCREWS. Available at Chapters.ca and Amazon.com.

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"Everything you can imagine is real"  PABLO PICASSO


The Hidden Power of Generosity


The Four-Generational Foursome