Motor City Renaissance

Detroit is hip again.

Still Ford tough.

But, more real.

Five years ago, the Motor City was America's poster city for urban decay. The city was $18 billion in debt with abandoned homes dotting the landscape. But, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of bankruptcy, Detroit is reinventing itself, building by building and block by block.

The product of a modern-day renaissance; Motown is becoming synonymous with an emerging spirit of rebirth and revival.

Historically, The Renaissance, refers to a period from the late 14th century and extended for another 200 years. Originating from Florence, The Renaissance produced immortals such as Copernicus, Galileo, Da Vinci and Michaelangelo; geniuses who inspired men and women to wake up, think for themselves and see new possibilities with wide eyes open.

Over a century ago, Detroit was its own version of Florence and what we now see in Silicon Valley; where innovation and entrepreneurship exploded like a V-8 engine, with enough economic horsepower to ignite the rest of the world. With the decay and collapse of giant corporations such as GM and Chrysler, coupled with a bloated municipal government riddled with corruption and cronyism, Detroit was reeling from pillar to post. But, like a bloodied boxer getting back up from the canvas, a new artistic and entrepreneurial spirit is coming together to fuel Motown’s comeback.

Put the top down, pop some Bob Seger, Kid Rock, and Eminem on the tape deck and cruise on over for the Motor City Renaissance on The Reinvention Chronicles.

“I come from Detroit where it’s rough and I’m not a smooth talker”  EMINEM


p.s…. one of those modern-day Medici’s referred to in The Motor City Renaissance is one-time realtor Dan Gilbert of Quicken Loans who takes every opportunity he can to wave the Motown flag. In 2010, Quicken Loans moved its HQ and 1,700 of its team members to the downtown core and today, Gilbert-owned businesses employ more than 17,000 people in Detroit. Once quoted as saying that “Detroit is where muscle meets brains”, Gilbert explains the relationship between culture and results and the implications for any company or community considering reinvention.


Planning a Speaking Event?

As the wheels of business turn faster each quarter, your company or industry association may be making plans to stay ahead of the über-fast relevance curve. In that spirit, we are now booking events for 2019 with organizations eager to dramatically rock their next conference with keynotes and workshops that inspire audiences to achieve a new level of “STADIUM-SIZED PERSPECTIVE”. For booking inquiries, please contact us.


Buckle Up. Start Your Imagination Engine!


Got Brand?

If you're feeling the time is right to RE-POSITION, RE-IGNITE and DIFFERENTIATE your business and brand and begin the journey towards becoming a "Category of One", Start HERE.


Could Your Personal Brand Become “Legendary”?

Successfully launched in 2017, Gair offers an exclusive 1-on-1 coaching program for select entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid of the challenge that goes with punching above their weight class and becoming “larger than life.” It’s called THE LEGENDMAKERS™, based on a coaching model that is heavily influenced by a wide range of luminaries that include King Arthur, Batman, Sir Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Amelia Earhart, JFK, MLK, Vince Lombardi, Led Zeppelin and Walt Disney, among others. If curious, send us an email.

Other Resources for You to Explore:

Purchase the critically-acclaimed, NUTS, BOLTS AND A FEW LOOSE SCREWS. Available at and

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"Everything you can imagine is real"  PABLO PICASSO


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